Search Results
Walter Scheirer (UNotreDame) Open Set Recognition ["DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS 2016]
Dr. Walter Scheirer: "Statistical Methods for Open Set Recognition"
Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley) - DL for Robotics ["DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS 2016]
Raia Hadsell (Google DeepMind) Progressive Nets & Transfer ["DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS 2016]
Panel Discussion ["Limits and Potentials of DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS Workshop]
Ashutosh Saxena (BrainOfThings) Learning & Sharing Knowledge ["DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS 2016]
Introduction to the Open Set Recognition Problem
Towards Open Set Deep Networks
Difficulty-Aware Simulator for Open Set Recognition (ECCV 2022)
Walter Scheirer | Visual Psychophysics as an Evaluation Regime for Object Recognition | ECCV 2020
Paper Lightning Talks ["Limits and Potentials of DeepLearning in Robotics", RSS Workshop]
Conditional Gaussian Distribution Learning for Open Set Recognition